Days 164-180

Holy hell, this is by far my biggest lapse in posting and while I could go back and write something for every single day between two Kick It classes ago and now, no one wants that many email notifications and honestly who really cares. “erin you’ll regret that when you finish this year.” doubtful, and…

Day 163

A very productive day from work to grocery shopping to class prep, but the best part was when we had 10 people singing all the words to Gold Digger during arms and someone said it was their favorite class so far because thaaaat always makes the stress worth it.

Day 162

The first day back from being sick calls for supremely spicy dan dan noodles made with homemade noodles, a spin class, and a huge Indian feast, just to test the stomach and make sure there’s no more puke left (did not puke, came dangerously close in that spin class, calling it a win though).

Day 161

There is a time and a place for smoked salmon and a salad at a Mexican restaurant is not that, so if we could all just stop assuming that a “salmon salad” is smoked rather than grilled or baked that would be super because you know what happens, you end up bedridden and puking the…

Day 160

Met Pau for coffee before hopping on the subway and heading to a spin class, had a very tasty late lunch, spent pretty much the rest of the day wandering around and saying “that looks cute – let’s go in” until the need to nap inevitably hit me, and then had a very fun night…

Day 159

Started the day with a spin class, worked my way through two different lovely cafes, finally landed at one of the workspaces and worked outside for as long as my computer battery allowed, discovered a very cute multi-level bookstore + cafe on the way home, and capped off the day with a rousing order of…

Day 158

I justify staying in my apartment all day by saying it’s for the sake of pulling off a birthday surprise (which we did, which was amazing), and then I’m “that vegetarian”/”that basic girl” who goes out to a steak restaurant and eats all – all – of the bread and orders a salad, proving that at…

Day 157

The only thing worse than a huge event taking over half of your workspace and being really loud is a huge event taking over half your workspace and being really loud AND not sharing enormous croissants, fruit, coffee (covfefe? ugh, i know), avocado toast, and what looked like banana bread but I guess I’ll never know……

Day 156

I am continuously impressed by the Meraki crew + RY staff who show up every time I teach ready to work their butts off, and then I’m impressed even more when I go to dinner with a couple of them and they’re just as ravenous as I am.

Day 155

Only I am capable of overshooting my turn not once but twice, in a matter of two days, on a gridded street network going to and from a destination I’ve been to four times now.

Day 154

Easily one of the most packed Sundays I’ve had in quite a while, I started with a delicious bougie brunch at a beautiful bakery I pinned long, long ago, followed by a trip to the Japanese Gardens with some friends where we found a traditional band in what looked like Revolutionary War-era garb who played…

Day 153

After a delightful spin class that gave me goosebumps and made me extremely happy, I took the subway (so good! so cheap!) to an area called Puerto Madero (basically 100% the Seaport) where we had a big tasty Italian lunch, then went to a mall and to a more neighborhood-scale shopping area, then got ready for…